health and Medicine

March 27, 2017

Congratulations to our Health and Medicine Salon selected photographers. The photographs in the selection below represent diverse interpretations of this Salon’s theme, which received a creative and thoughtful response of intriguing images.

These images respond with empathy to our relationship with our personal health and that of others in our lives. The subjects in these photographs are in varying stages of struggle and victory as they assert or reassert their humanity over the course of nature. The images capture the aids we use, from inner will to external machines, to reclaim our physical and emotional health. Several images ponder the lonely reality of health management, and attempts by loved ones to offer us relief in this state.

The scope of “health and medicine” captured here focuses on the personal in the context of harnessing a variety of aids for regaining our quality of life. What binds these images is insight into the nature of this struggle and what success could possibly mean for the subjects of these moving photographs. 

Health and Medicine Call for Entry

The practice of medicine, and our efforts to manage the health of the human mind and body can be seen as our struggle to redirect nature. Complicating this universal endeavor are our varied cultural attitudes toward pain, healing, and the dynamics and hierarchy of the patient-caregiver relationship. Driven by spiritual motivations, as well as the moral imperative to protect and preserve the person while ensuring humanity’s survival as a species, medicine all over the world utilizes the most advanced science and technology a community can access and afford.

For this salon exhibition, we seek photographs that incorporate themes of physical and mental health, the practice of medicine, and the ripples these leave in the lives of the human beings touched by them. We are particularly interested in exploring what the eye and technique of individual photographers can reveal that might not otherwise stand out in our day-to-day brushes with concerns of health.

About Our Salon

Traditionally an exhibition of works of art by living artists, our Salon is an opportunity for photographers to showcase single images, enabling them to build an audience and dialogue around their work. Photographers are expected to submit a single image on the theme.